Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Dog Ate My Lunchbox...

My dog, that I love dearly, can be...well....let's just say a pain in my butt at times. He has separation anxiety as many labs do. He has always had some degree of this problem, but it got a zillion times worse when his best friend (our other dog) passed away a couple of years ago, and then we moved to a different house. We have had to learn to follow a specific routine when we decide to leave him home alone even just for a few minutes. We have to raise the blinds, because otherwise he will tear them up while trying to see out the window - looking for us I assume. We have to put away any random objects like toys, remotes and other misc, because we never know what he will decide to destroy while in his frantic rampage. We also have to close off all the bedroom and bathroom doors as he has been known to hop in and out of the bathtubs and destroy boxes of kleenex and shampoo bottles. Not sure what happens there?! He has progressively gotten better, and now tends to mostly wait by the door for us until we get home, but we still follow the routine of putting everything away just in case. Why not crate/kennel him you might ask? Yeah, well...we used to do that, and it worked well for a little while until one day he got in a frenzy and literally chewed his way out of a metal kennel. We came home to find a bedroom that looked like a tornado went through it, a broken kennel, and a dog with a broken fang. As a result, we got the pleasure of paying a significant surgical bill to have the rest of the tooth removed, and we now often refer to him as our 3-fanged dog, big, black dog. So, needless to more kennels.

This past week, he was left alone while we went out to eat, and when we came home, he was happily chewing away at a small cardboard box?? Turns out someone (okay - I admit it was me) had eaten a frozen meal and left the empty container next to the sink - forgetting to toss it in the trash (which incidentally we also have to keep locked away in a cabinet, so he won't stick his happy, little nose in there on a regular basis). Fast forward to the next evening when we once again left him alone to run some errands. We came home to find he had pulled the little one's lunchbox off the kitchen counter (even though it was empty) and proceeded to lick it and chew on it a bit. Apparently, it stilled smelled like lunch. *Sigh* She was none to pleased with him! So, now we have to add to our routine - make sure there is nothing edible, or that smells edible, on the kitchen counters. Crazy dog!

Meanwhile, I did not have time to go buy the little one a new lunchbox before school the next day, so she took her lunch in a little purse/tote bag. I told her, on the bright side, she at least had an interesting story to tell at the lunch table - the dog ate my homework  lunchbox...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Show the Love

"Love your friends and family and make your best attempts to show them that love every day - not because you fear they might not be here tomorrow, not because any religion or rule of society tells you to do so. Love shouldn't be based on fear or obligation. Show them you love them, because it is what they deserve, and it is what you deserve, and it is the natural and joyful thing to do."
The above quote was my facebook status today, and below I will fill you in on why I was inspired to write it...
I have been exposed to several instances lately where quotes have arisen giving the repeating theme of "show those you love that you love them, because they might not be here tomorrow". The most recent one I encountered was the story of a small boy who, by way of a freak accident, was struck in the head with a tree branch and has been fighting a difficult battle ever since. It is a heart-wrenching story for anyone to read - especially a parent. My heart goes out to anyone who has to stand by and watch their child fight such a war while all they can do is sit idly by their side and cheer them on, but unable to truly fight for them - lives forever changed. While I do think it is great to turn around and create a positive by hugging those we love and being thankful that they are safe and healthy when we see instances of others who are not quite so lucky, it does bring up some questions for me. Shouldn't we be loving them and appreciating them like that every day? How many of us really are? Why not?
We should simply love and show our appreciation without obligation and without being reminded to do so. I know I am guilty of letting days pass without truly showing my friends and family how much they mean to me, and I am making a decision right now to change that. Even if it is just a small reminder to let others know that I am thinking of them. I choose to do this not out of fear of losing them or fear of regrets. It is a natural reaction that I think we just need to allow to surface more often rather than setting it aside while we attend to other things. Truly, even if I knew with 100% certainty that the people I love would still be around tomorrow, they still deserve to know today how much they mean to me.