Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let Go

So, truth be told, I've been flying blind for this first month and a half of homeschooling. We've been piecing together lessons as we go and really just trying to get used to this whole new world that we've entered. My brain is full, no let's say overflowing from all that I've researched and read during this time period. Until a month and a half ago I had no idea that there were so many different educational philosophies and so many resources to choose from. I've read endless amounts of "a day in the life" blogs trying to get a glimpse of how others choose to school their kids, talked to local homeschool families about their methods, evaluated different resources, and it is finally starting to sink in...that which I knew deep inside from the beginning...it's not about what everyone else is doing. That's kind of the whole point of homeschool. It's about finding what works for you and your children. Not about mimicking others. It's not about recreating the public school day at home. It's not about having the exact same daily routine, curriculum or lack thereof as other homeschoolers. So we've started focusing on us. How do we like to learn? Do we like to have a set schedule or just wing it? What subject matter do we want to learn this year? When you start this journey, it's so easy to worry. To worry over the expectations of others, to worry about how your day compares, to worry that you're not doing enough to help your child learn, to worry that you might be doing it all wrong, but I'm finally learning that we have to let go of that. It's about my children, my family. What works for us, and while we're still trying new things and figuring out which parts to keep and which parts to let go of, we're loving this journey forward together, and my only regret is that we didn't do this sooner.