Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cutting the Cable

The hubby and I have been talking for quite awhile about the prospect of living without cable. I know, I know, those that know me best and know that I tend to leave my TV on 24/7 are either laughing uncontrollably or are thinking - "are you nuts? you'll never survive!" I thought the same thing for awhile, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that 95% of the time, I am either watching reruns of old shows, watching movies/shows on Netflix or just have it on for the background noise and am not even actually watching it. Hubby doesn't watch TV except for the occasional movie/show with me, and I can report with certainty that the day will never come when I will attempt to take away the internet or his XBox, because I am quite certain that would end in a battle more gruesome than the world is ready for.

Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not saying I am giving up TV, because I enjoy it WAY too much! We're keeping Netflix on the TVs, so I can still watch as many "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "BTVS" reruns as always (if you don't know what BTVS stands for, then I'm not so sure that you are welcome to read my blog anymore...I'm just sayin'...). I'm just hoping to be a little more mindful of how much TV I am watching, and saving about $80/month has inspired me to do so. ;) We also have hulu, so those few newer episodes I like to watch will be available on the TV also - speaking of - if you don't watch New Girl or Modern Family you're totally missing out on some laughs!

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