Friday, June 27, 2014

Get A Little Perspective

I live in a household with a bunch of night owls. Seriously, these people can stay up late and sleep half the day away like nobody's business. Me? I'm definitely not a super early to bed, early to rise gal, but I am usually the first one to go to bed in this house. I've gotten used to it, and actually, it works out pretty well for me, as I enjoy a quiet household when I first wake up in the morning. Gives me a chance to sip my tea, read a bit, mess around on the ipad before the day really gets moving around here.

As I attempted to go to sleep last night, my hubby and 2 kiddos were chatting away and playing a game our bedroom. The home office is a part of the master bedroom, and since they were in need of the computer for this game  - voila - noisy bedroom. For a moment, I lay there, annoyed. Too noisy, too chatty, too bright. Then, I'm not sure why, but my perspective changed as I remembered - the sounds of my beautiful girls laughing and having fun, the sounds of my hubby bonding with his children...those are some of my favorite sounds. They are the sounds of home that I am thankful for. And I drifted off peacefully to sleep with happiness overflowing from my heart. Just a reminder friends - that it's all about perspective. With all situations in life, we can focus on what's negative and be annoyed and stressed about it, or we can find the positive and embrace it. I challenge you to turn potential negative situations around and find the good in life today!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What Do You Do All Day?!?

As a stay at home mom, I find that often people wonder - what the heck do you do all day? I recently found myself questioning that very thing and getting a little down on myself. What do I really do all day? Could my time be better spent? Am I a lazy housewife that spends most of her time watching tv or on the ipad? So, I decided to put my doubt on the line. Document what I actually do in a week, and let me tell you, I am a pretty efficient gal if I do say so myself. I doubt that many people could fit in the tasks that I do each week and still manage to have time for themselves and their families, so bravo and pat on the back to me! It's okay to be proud and brag on that for a moment! I think the problem arises when I tend to dismiss all those things as trivial and unimportant when in fact, most of them are the very things that keep life running around this household. I also tend to feel that things don't count unless they are completed, for example, if I do a portion of the project but the entire thing is not complete, I don't give it merit. But here's the thing that kept nagging at me as I continued to think about this - is that what really matters?

Here's my new goal - rather than worrying about what I do in a day and base a successful day off of how much I completed - ask myself the more important questions - did I get joy out of today? Did I spend time with those people that matter most to me? Did I pursue those things that fuel my passion for life? Those are the things that matter.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Busy Bees

We're coming up on the one year anniversary of when we bought this house! Wow! It seems like we've lived here so much longer, partly, because we've done SO much work on our home already and partly, because it honestly already felt like home the minute we walked in the door - like it had always been meant for us. That's really what drew us to this house to begin with. 

The only thing that we weren't in love with when we chose our home was the fact that many things, while in good condition, just seemed so dated. So, we've been busy, little bees working on updating and making it fit our tastes. So far, so good! I'll be sharing some pics soon of some of the various projects. Right now, we're finishing up a lengthy DIY kitchen remodel...finally! And are in the middle of both remodeling our fireplace and our craft/study room. 

We've learned something from our ever growing list of projects. Every time you get one project going, another idea stems from it, and the list expands more. Don't get me wrong, we love our ideas list! The hubby and I are actually having a lot of fun imagining, planning and creating together, but it's kind of becoming a joke in our household that the hubby and I have a second home at the Home Depot. I think we might have to stop spending time on home improvement websites and pinterest, so that we can slow down the growth of the projects list and catch up a bit! LOL Lots going on! Stay Tuned!