I live in a household with a bunch of night owls. Seriously, these people can stay up late and sleep half the day away like nobody's business. Me? I'm definitely not a super early to bed, early to rise gal, but I am usually the first one to go to bed in this house. I've gotten used to it, and actually, it works out pretty well for me, as I enjoy a quiet household when I first wake up in the morning. Gives me a chance to sip my tea, read a bit, mess around on the ipad before the day really gets moving around here.
As I attempted to go to sleep last night, my hubby and 2 kiddos were chatting away and playing a game together...in our bedroom. The home office is a part of the master bedroom, and since they were in need of the computer for this game - voila - noisy bedroom. For a moment, I lay there, annoyed. Too noisy, too chatty, too bright. Then, I'm not sure why, but my perspective changed as I remembered - the sounds of my beautiful girls laughing and having fun, the sounds of my hubby bonding with his children...those are some of my favorite sounds. They are the sounds of home that I am thankful for. And I drifted off peacefully to sleep with happiness overflowing from my heart. Just a reminder friends - that it's all about perspective. With all situations in life, we can focus on what's negative and be annoyed and stressed about it, or we can find the positive and embrace it. I challenge you to turn potential negative situations around and find the good in life today!
It's the "get to" vs "have to" attitude! You could have stayed in a "why do I HAVE TO listen to this noise while I'm trying to sleep?" frame of mind - but you chose to go with the "I GET TO hear my happy family while I drift off to sleep". Completely changes how you respond to circumstances!!