Saturday, March 30, 2013

Healthy New Me

I'm going to be honest here - I LOVE junk food! I think most people do, but I would definitely say I have an unhealthy love affair with candy and potato chips. My favorite thing in the world to eat is plain potato chips. I know, you're thinking - really Em? of all the delicious treats out there both salty and sweet you choose the plain old chip? It's true - something about that simple, salty delicious crunch makes me happy. I would pass up a cookie any day for some chips.

As usual - I'm rambling about just a small portion of the actual discussion here. :) I've been trying to start eating better. Well, in truth, I've been trying on and off for years and always seem to slip back into my comfortable spot of filling my pantry with processed, fattening junk. So, here I go again, trying to make a change. I'm determined to get myself and my family into healthier, more natural eating choices. For the hubby it's easy, he genuinely likes to eat healthy and has admirable self control when it comes to food. Don't get me wrong - the man can throw down a roll of raw chocolate chip cookie dough like nothing I've ever seen, but he can also bypass it any time he chooses to, which is where we differ. For me - if it's in the kitchen, I can't resist!

So, I figured I will take you along with me on this journey to healthier eating. I plan to try some new things, and I already know that I will discover some delicious new things and will be appalled at the grossness of others. To start, here are my overall goals:

1 - less processed/preserved food = more natural foods
2 - definitely more fruits and veggies
3 - more local foods
4 - no red meat = lean chicken, turkey and fish only
5 - less processed sugar = natural sugars

I'm not saying I'm not going to eat any candy or chips ever, because, let's face it, that is completely unrealistic at this point, but I'm definitely going to limit it. And who knows, maybe someday I won't crave the junk. Heck - I never thought I could kick the soda habit, and these days I would say I only have a soda about once a month. So, here I go - wish me luck on kicking the junk out of my life! Well, okay, to be totally honest - first I plan to overindulge in Easter candy this weekend - I mean who could resist some peeps and cadbury mini eggs?!


  1. It should be interesting to hear how you convince some members of your family to expand their vegetable options.

  2. Yes - I've already had them turn their noses up at asparagus - both steamed and sauteed and steamed carrots... *sigh*...but I quite enjoyed them!
