Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why I Love Plastic Totes

I know, it's kind of a weird thing to love, right?! Plastic totes? but I do - I love them. Let me tell you why...

I am a neat freak. I have to have my things organized as you can tell from checking out some of my organizational posts over at Everything needs it's own little place. It's actually kind of funny, because I'm not necessarily a "clean" freak. I can go a long time without dusting or vacuuming no problem (maybe I shouldn't admit that), but if things are scattered about or cluttered it drives me mad...mad I tell ya! (By the way - you're supposed to imagine me shaking my fists in the air while I shout that part) In all my organizing glory, I have tried many options including pretty little baskets, buckets, drawers, fabric get the idea, but the plastic bins and totes with lids seem to be the winner. Not only do they hold up the best, they can be wiped down easily if they get dirty or dusty, they also stack well and here's the best part.....drumroll please...if you need to rearrange or move it makes things SO easy! I am currently in the process of packing up the house to move, and I have been so pleased by how little packing I am having to do. I already keep so many items organized in totes with lids that all we're gonna have to do is close them up, maybe secure the lid with a little tape, and voila! ready to load in the truck. It has really reduced my packing time and my need to hunt down more boxes for packing.

So, next time you're doing some organizing, and you're trying to choose between adorable fabric lined baskets...skips those and go for the plastic totes instead!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

No, It's Not Okay to Be Fat and Proud

Alright - I might get a little flamed for this one, but I'm gonna do it anyway - guess what is NOT okay to be fat and proud of it. This comment arises, because I have been seeing more and more articles and commentary on body acceptance lately. Real women have curves, real women eat cake, real women are not a size get the idea. And I get it, I do, and I fully support the concept of loving your body rather than living in self hatred, but something that's getting left out is that part of loving your body is taking care of it and keeping it healthy. This does not mean it's okay to be complacent with being 50 pounds overweight. This does not mean it's okay to eat a diet of nothing but empty calories and fatty, sugar-filled foods. Before anyone asks - no, this is not coming from a size 2, perfect body who exercises all the time and never eats junk food, but I do feel the line is being crossed between loving and accepting the differences in our bodies versus accepting it is okay and the norm to be overweight and unhealthy. We all have different body types - curvy, flat, larger hips, no hips, larger butts, that little belly pooch that never goes away for some of us after having kids (I speak from experience on that one), and I completely agree that we need to love those quirks about ourselves - say it with me - my boobs now sag, but I love them anyway! It is what makes us all unique and some of it is just our genetics or what happens as we age. I do, however, have a problem with women who consistently avoid exercise and eat processed, unhealthy, high calorie foods and are proud of the state that their bodies are in. Love your body, yes, but take care of it! Just because a large portion of American women are larger these days does not mean it is okay and something to embrace. If you're eating plenty of healthy foods, exercising your body and mind, and your body is still not  in "perfect" shape - love it anyway! I'm totally on board with that! Don't beat yourself up trying to look 20 years younger or like the models you see in ads that never eat a carb, but if you're just plain overweight as a result of fueling yourself with indulgent foods and exercise to you is walking to the end of the driveway to get the mail - you might want to take a second look. May I also add that it's just as bad to deprive your body of ever having a carb, to eat an unhealthy small amount of nourishment or to follow these wacky fad diets. I'm not just picking on the overweight ladies here. It's about being healthy. It's about proper nutrition and exercise. Take care of your bodies, ladies, that's how to love them! Just my two cents.

Monday, June 17, 2013

How Do Military Moms Manage?

I admit, I have a pretty great life, so I hate to complain. It makes me feel petty considering all those others out there that lead a much harder life than I could ever imagine, but the hubby just left again this morning for an entire week out of town for work, and I'm feeling the "poor me, I already miss him so much" blues. I think that has been the hardest part to get used to after the job change and the move - the travel part. It makes me wonder how single moms or military wives do it? and no - before anyone gets all up in arms over it - I am most certainly NOT insinuating that my situation is as difficult as theirs. I cannot even begin to think about the prospect of the hubby being gone for months, years even. I do think it's harder when he has been home for a week - like this past week - and then when he leaves again I just feel that missing part. I'm also feeling his absence a bit more, because we are in the middle of purchasing a home (which we are CRAZY excited about! more on that later), and so I am left here packing things, dealing with home inspections and other what not without him. Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly capable and confident to handle these things, but it is nice to have him here to share it with. I guess I should look at this from a positive perspective. My hubby is genuinely an awesome guy, our relationship is great, and I enjoy his company so much that I do genuinely miss him when he's gone. And I do feel very thankful to have a few friends and my kiddos here with me to brighten my days. The little one and I do have lots of fun on our own too. For instance, we've dubbed Mondays as "Movie Monday", and each week we have been taking turns picking a movie to watch together while we have a treat - usually something that we've cooked up together in the kitchen. It's fun to hang out together, and I am enjoying introducing her to some of my favorite older movies. Tonight it's brownies and The Music Man, so yeah - life could definitely be worse. ;)