Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why I Love Plastic Totes

I know, it's kind of a weird thing to love, right?! Plastic totes? but I do - I love them. Let me tell you why...

I am a neat freak. I have to have my things organized as you can tell from checking out some of my organizational posts over at Everything needs it's own little place. It's actually kind of funny, because I'm not necessarily a "clean" freak. I can go a long time without dusting or vacuuming no problem (maybe I shouldn't admit that), but if things are scattered about or cluttered it drives me mad...mad I tell ya! (By the way - you're supposed to imagine me shaking my fists in the air while I shout that part) In all my organizing glory, I have tried many options including pretty little baskets, buckets, drawers, fabric get the idea, but the plastic bins and totes with lids seem to be the winner. Not only do they hold up the best, they can be wiped down easily if they get dirty or dusty, they also stack well and here's the best part.....drumroll please...if you need to rearrange or move it makes things SO easy! I am currently in the process of packing up the house to move, and I have been so pleased by how little packing I am having to do. I already keep so many items organized in totes with lids that all we're gonna have to do is close them up, maybe secure the lid with a little tape, and voila! ready to load in the truck. It has really reduced my packing time and my need to hunt down more boxes for packing.

So, next time you're doing some organizing, and you're trying to choose between adorable fabric lined baskets...skips those and go for the plastic totes instead!


  1. But I waaaaant cute ones! (ya gotta get the full whine there) Especially for the sewing room/office/guest room!

  2. So grab a cricuit and some vinyl or some modge podge and scrapbook paper and make those plastic totes adorable! Hmmm...I see a tutorial in my future. ;)
