Monday, June 17, 2013

How Do Military Moms Manage?

I admit, I have a pretty great life, so I hate to complain. It makes me feel petty considering all those others out there that lead a much harder life than I could ever imagine, but the hubby just left again this morning for an entire week out of town for work, and I'm feeling the "poor me, I already miss him so much" blues. I think that has been the hardest part to get used to after the job change and the move - the travel part. It makes me wonder how single moms or military wives do it? and no - before anyone gets all up in arms over it - I am most certainly NOT insinuating that my situation is as difficult as theirs. I cannot even begin to think about the prospect of the hubby being gone for months, years even. I do think it's harder when he has been home for a week - like this past week - and then when he leaves again I just feel that missing part. I'm also feeling his absence a bit more, because we are in the middle of purchasing a home (which we are CRAZY excited about! more on that later), and so I am left here packing things, dealing with home inspections and other what not without him. Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly capable and confident to handle these things, but it is nice to have him here to share it with. I guess I should look at this from a positive perspective. My hubby is genuinely an awesome guy, our relationship is great, and I enjoy his company so much that I do genuinely miss him when he's gone. And I do feel very thankful to have a few friends and my kiddos here with me to brighten my days. The little one and I do have lots of fun on our own too. For instance, we've dubbed Mondays as "Movie Monday", and each week we have been taking turns picking a movie to watch together while we have a treat - usually something that we've cooked up together in the kitchen. It's fun to hang out together, and I am enjoying introducing her to some of my favorite older movies. Tonight it's brownies and The Music Man, so yeah - life could definitely be worse. ;)


  1. (rolling eyes) You and The Music Man... LOL!

  2. It is no secret that I LOVE the Music Man! Hey - it's not my fault that it is a great little musical with catchy tunes...ohhhh - we got trouble my friends with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool...

  3. Oh- and an update - I forgot it was Abbie's turn to pick, so we ended up watching Dr Dolittle. *pout* That's okay - now I know what's on the menu for next Monday!
