Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Just Like Me?

I think that as a mom, I have always been under the assumption that my daughter is just like me, which is kind of funny given that I discovered a long time ago that while I have similarities to my own mom, we are very different people. I think a lot of us make that assumption about our children. That they look like us, think like us, act like us, and then we are surprised when we realize that they are this whole other unique person. We can't predict how they feel or reason with situations, because we are not them. We have to allow them to be who they are, throw out all our assumptions and get to know who they really are inside.

This translates into many areas of our lives, but where it has become most evident for me is through this homeschooling journey with my little one. I'm discovering new things about her each day. And, I've realized that I started out instinctively making plans and predictions based on how I think, learn and function best, while what's really important to creating a successful and fulfilling learning environment is to pay attention and learn what the child needs. So, we are adapting to ways of gathering knowledge that work for her. But not only am I finding out more about her learning style, I am also learning more about just how she thinks and operates in that beautiful, little mind of hers. We spend so much more time together now that she's with me all day, and so we also share so many conversations than ever before. I'm in love with seeing more of her perspective and getting to really know and embrace this amazing individual that is my daughter. I see similarities, but also so many differences, and I love that we are sharing this time getting to just be with one another.

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