Friday, January 04, 2013

Quit Your Whining!

2013 will be a year of a more positive and appreciative attitude for me! I hear so many around me (myself included) constantly whining about what they don't have, how stressed they are, how unfair things are or basically anything else they can find to gripe about. Why is it so easy for us to find the negative over the positive? I guess it's all about perspective. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I just suddenly noticed this phenomenon, but what did bring it back to my attention most recently was Facebook. Reading some positive, upbeat comments from a friend recently I realized - wow, most of the people on Facebook are just constantly complaining about something - I haven't seen an update this positive in awhile. I was refreshed to read some positive thoughts for a change.

I, personally, am going to make a conscious choice to focus more on the positives in my life. Appreciate the things I have. Truth be told, I SHOULD have very little to stress or complain about. I have all the things I need plus more, and currently I definitely don't appreciate that enough. I challenge others to do the same - next time you catch yourself complaining - just QUIT YOUR WHINING! and think of something that you are thankful for instead or a positive side of the current situation. Change the things that are not working for you, keep the ones that are, and enjoy life!

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