Saturday, March 30, 2013

Life without Cable - an update

While I'm sitting at the computer and am apparently in a chatty mood in a typing kind of way (did that just make any sense), I wanted to also give an update on our life without cable television. We cut the cable about 2 1/2 months ago Cutting the Cable, and I can honestly say it has been WONDERFUL! I was nervous, because I love watching TV, and up until 2 1/2 months ago, my TV was on pretty much all the time - sometimes even when I was asleep at night. The background noise from it was a comfort to me, especially if I was home alone.

I'll admit, the first week was a little tough. The house felt so quiet to me, and I felt kind of thrown off the normal routine without having my beloved random shows playing. I really did get used to it quickly, and I have to say so many good things have come from it. My whole family is watching much less TV per week, and I can see a change in how much more I am getting done each week as a result. I think having to make a conscious effort to decide what shows/episodes to pick to view is making us much more selective of our TV time. My daughter and I have also created a bonding time for us once a week where we cuddle up, eat some cheetos (yes - more junk food), watch the newest episodes of her favorite shows and laugh together. Loving every minute of it!

Before I start sounding like my family is SO terrific with our diminished TV time and we're oh so busy doing more important things I will make a confession. There are, of course, other electronics in the house, and the hubby still loves his XBox, the little one stills spends a little too much time playing games on either the XBox or her Kindle, and I still love wasting some time each day on Pinterest. But, I can say that for myself specifically, I have definitely reduced my computer time and have used that time to get back to other hobbies that I enjoy and have even managed to find time to start reading again.

How did we do it? We have a monthly subscription to Netflix streaming plan for $8/month. They actually have quite a few TV show options available. We've even discovered a few shows that we never watched until now. If you want even more options or more recent movies available, you can also add the DVD plan, but we really haven't needed it yet. Once we catch up on some of these series that we haven't watched before, we might add the DVDs for even more content, but even if we do, it's just another $8/month. $16/month is not too shabby compared to the $85 we were paying for cable (and we still had the streaming Netflix at that time, so really $93). We have many options for watching the Netflix either through the smart TV, the XBox, computer, Kindle Fire or the Apple TV.

What about new episodes of our favorite shows? Most major networks show the most recent episodes on their websites a day or so after they air, so I have one of two choices. If it is just me watching - such as my weekly fix of Pretty Little Liars. (I know, I know, I probably shouldn't admit that I am addicted to that show, but I am SO into it! Dying for the new season to start already!) I just watch it on my computer via the website. If it's something that I want to watch on the TV (like new episodes of New Girl with the hubby, so we can laugh together at Schmidt's obnoxious antics), that's where the Apple TV comes in. There is a feature called  Airplay Mirroring - whatever I am playing on my computer will show on the TV screen, so I simply play the episode on the website on my computer and it plays on the TV too, so we can all see it. On a side note - DO NOT waste your money on hulu plus. They have very little content and what they do have expires fairly quickly. I don't recommend it at all! You can still use the regular free hulu which is similar, although I haven't really needed it.

I could see this being difficult if you're a sports lover, but no one in my household is, so we're alright. We're also not big news watchers, but once again, there are websites for the local new stations too that are kept updated.

Whew....that was a long post! I've just had several people ask me how we're living without a cable subscription, so...there it is! 

Healthy New Me

I'm going to be honest here - I LOVE junk food! I think most people do, but I would definitely say I have an unhealthy love affair with candy and potato chips. My favorite thing in the world to eat is plain potato chips. I know, you're thinking - really Em? of all the delicious treats out there both salty and sweet you choose the plain old chip? It's true - something about that simple, salty delicious crunch makes me happy. I would pass up a cookie any day for some chips.

As usual - I'm rambling about just a small portion of the actual discussion here. :) I've been trying to start eating better. Well, in truth, I've been trying on and off for years and always seem to slip back into my comfortable spot of filling my pantry with processed, fattening junk. So, here I go again, trying to make a change. I'm determined to get myself and my family into healthier, more natural eating choices. For the hubby it's easy, he genuinely likes to eat healthy and has admirable self control when it comes to food. Don't get me wrong - the man can throw down a roll of raw chocolate chip cookie dough like nothing I've ever seen, but he can also bypass it any time he chooses to, which is where we differ. For me - if it's in the kitchen, I can't resist!

So, I figured I will take you along with me on this journey to healthier eating. I plan to try some new things, and I already know that I will discover some delicious new things and will be appalled at the grossness of others. To start, here are my overall goals:

1 - less processed/preserved food = more natural foods
2 - definitely more fruits and veggies
3 - more local foods
4 - no red meat = lean chicken, turkey and fish only
5 - less processed sugar = natural sugars

I'm not saying I'm not going to eat any candy or chips ever, because, let's face it, that is completely unrealistic at this point, but I'm definitely going to limit it. And who knows, maybe someday I won't crave the junk. Heck - I never thought I could kick the soda habit, and these days I would say I only have a soda about once a month. So, here I go - wish me luck on kicking the junk out of my life! Well, okay, to be totally honest - first I plan to overindulge in Easter candy this weekend - I mean who could resist some peeps and cadbury mini eggs?!

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Rockin' Robin

For the past week, every morning there has been a beautiful, fat robin in the backyard. I look out every morning and that chubby little, red-breasted bird makes me smile. It makes me smile for a few of reasons - 1) because it is just so fat and cute! - 2) because I love birds - makes me happy to watch them flit around, and 3) because it makes me think of Spring and with the past couple of days being a little warmer I'm beginning to feel it in the air! I love Spring - when everything is fresh and new, when all the flowers and trees pop back to colorful life. I'm ready to come out of hibernation and get back outside!