Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spring Cleaning!

I am a person who despises clutter. I honestly have trouble sleeping in a room where things are untidy or unorganized. The hubby has actually gotten a little annoyed with me on more than one occasion in the past where I tossed out or donated things on one of my decluttering rampages, so I have learned over the years that no matter how useless that little electronic thingamajig looks - keep it unless you ask him, because surely as soon as you toss it your husband will come looking for it, but I digress...

My love of decluttering brings me to the topic at hand - Spring Cleaning - love, love, love it! I have a feeling there are a good percentage of folks that will read that comment and curse me a little - perhaps the words "crazy freak" come to mind? Or the now infamous "ain't nobody got time for that" phrase? That's right, I'm the weirdo that actually gets excited about cleaning, re-organizing the house and getting rid of stuff. It's amazing to me that even though I constantly tidy up, we still manage to acquire a bunch of clutter throughout the year. I like to blame it on the hubby and the little one, but admittedly some of it belongs to me as well. I like to do Fall and Spring cleaning as a means of re-organization. Even if there is not tons to be recycled or trashed, it's a nice time to do some deep cleaning and re-evaluate the current organization of things. Refresh everything. And it feels so great when it's done!

I think I will dedicate some posts over the next couple of weeks while I am working on the house to sharing my current organization/decluttering methods and tips. I've already just about finished the master bedroom, bathroom and closets, so I'll probably share those first.

Stay Tuned...

Update: my sisters and I have started a blog with lots of great organizing tips, recipes, craft projects, greener, healthier living tips and ideas, etc, so I am blogging my organizational posts over there for the Spring Cleaning fest...check it out:

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