Sunday, November 11, 2012

Always Be Yourself...Unless You Can Be Batman, Always Be Batman!

I have seen this quote around quite a few times lately in random places, and it makes me chuckle every time. Not only because it's funny, but because I have always been a Batman fan! Grew up watching cheesy Adam West style Batman - which incidentally will always be my favorite. You gotta love a show with "Pow!", "Bam!" subtitles popping up during the action scenes! Then came cartoon style Batman (yes - I know the correct word is animated, but cartoon style sounds more fun), and I'm pretty sure I just about peed my little girl pants every time Batman and Robin would magically appear on Scooby Doo?! Talk about double score..Scooby Doo AND Batman = awesomeness!

So, this brought me to ponder (in case you're wondering, I tend to ponder unimportant things pretty's part of my charm) the reasons why I like Batman so much. Not only is he totally cool with what is quite possibly the best car around, but truth be told, he's just a normal guy. Okay, okay, so he's a super rich "normal" guy with lots of neat gadgets, but stick with me. He doesn't have any "super powers" other than wanting to do good and protect people from harm. He wasn't bitten by radioactive spiders or sent from another planet where people are born able to fly and have x-ray vision. He's just a normal guy that finds his own way to make the world a better place.

Stick with me folks, this is where my innocent pondering of the "unimportant" takes a more important, philosophical turn - as it tends to do on occasion...

So, while we can not all be Batman in the literal sense of wearing a cool hero suit and fighting super villains with our nifty bat gear, we CAN do our best to protect others from harm and make the world a better place. Help those you see in need in any capacity that you are able to do so. Whether it's something as simple as opening a door for someone with a smile or offering to help reach an item on the shelf for someone at the store - or something more like volunteering some time at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. We can all be someone's hero if we make an effort. Let's face it, the world needs more heroes and a lot less villains these days. I challenge you to BE the good in the world, make a difference every day... Always Be the Batman!

That's all for now folks - tune in next time...same bat time, same bat channel!


  1. huh... I woulda thought you'd be Wonder Woman.

    1. Oh... and fyi - people on Krypton are not born being able to fly etc. On Krypton he'd be an ordinary guy too. It's just because he's here on Earth with the different sun and gravity field that he is now "super". (omg... I am such a dork. Watch waaaay too much Big Bang Theory)

  2. Oh Beckey - I have just changed your nickname to Ubergeek thanks to that lesson on krypton...I think you might have missed the point. LOL
