Thursday, November 08, 2012

Just Like My Sisters

I am the baby of the family, and growing up I always wanted to be like my older sisters. They were older, wiser and SO much cooler than me. I wanted the clothes they had, the music they listened to and don't even get me started on the hairstyle envy - oh how I begged for them to show me how they got those wonderful big bangs to stay put... Yes, I grew up in the 80s, and no, I am not ashamed of my excessive hairspray usage, my use of phrases like "gag me with a spoon" and an unhealthy love of leg warmers. Hey - they were very stylish back then! I hear leg warmers are becoming popular again, and I say - Count me in!

Sorry - got off track there for a minute with all my "relive the 80s" excitement! The point is (yes, I do usually come around to a point eventually if you stick with my rambling long enough), I got the idea to start a blog mostly from one of my sisters. She has been keeping a blog for awhile now. Feel free to check it out (! What I love most about her blog is that although we are many miles apart right now, every day I read her blog and I get a little bit of her in my life. I love the totally random posts best. The things that aren't particularly important or earth shattering, those that are day to day things that I would probably have missed if she didn't blog about them. The "good stuff" as I like to call it, because for a moment it makes me feel like I am right there with her.

I hope to follow in my big sis' footsteps to share a little of my own day-to-day randomness in hopes of making those that are closest to my heart but not so close to my house feel like they are still a part of my day! I encourage everyone to do the same - whether it be through a blog, text messages, emails, phone calls, etc... Share the trivial stuff with those closest to you - not just the pressing, important items, because the randomness is who you are - it's the good stuff!

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