Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner?

This will be my first Thanksgiving in about 8 years that will not involve any extended family. I miss my family bunches, since we moved cross country this summer, and I know that sitting around a huge turkey with just me, the hubby and little one might create a lump so big in my throat that I won't be able to enjoy my usual gigantic helping of mashed potatoes. Don't get me wrong, I adore spending time with just the hubby and little one, but this is different.

So, what's a girl to do?? Well, hubby and I decided to completely change it up this year. We're going out to eat. Ever wonder who goes out to a restaurant on the biggest cooking/eating day of the year - this year it's gonna be me and the fam. Truthfully, I'm looking forward to it! No grocery shopping, cooking or dishes - just good food and conversation. The little one and I have decided we will still bake some desserts, because I must have leftover pumpkin pie with a huge pile of whipped cream later that evening and for breakfast on the day after Thanksgiving, but other than that it's going to be a worry-free Thanksgiving. Who knows, maybe we'll like it so much it will become a new tradition?!

1 comment:

  1. I've often thought how much easier it would be to just go out to eat. Sooooo much easier! But then I think of not having the leftover turkey sandwiches and the pumpkin pie and decide it's not worth it. HA!!
