Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Words Escape Me

I love reading other people's blogs. I chuckle at their little whimsical jokes or hold my breath while I read their more serious reflections. So, I thought to myself - start a blog Em - just do it! Maybe others will be as moved and entertained by your own musings. Problem is, I tend to be one of those people that can sit and create a story in my head quite well - or even out loud - but when it comes time to put pencil to paper (or fingers to keyboard these days) I go blank. Nothingness.... no witty words or amusing anecdotes. I type and then backspace and retype - a lot! So today, I sit here - attempting something new - not to type what I think others will find interesting or brilliant, not worrying about the use of vocabulary or how it will be perceived by others - but instead pouring out what instantly comes to my head - unedited, unplanned - just simply being me. So, I've decided that's what this blog will be - just pure, simple and raw - emotions revealed, thoughts shared, an open book - just me - simply being Em.


  1. Woohooo! It's gonna be great sis! (not as great as mine of course, but still...) LOL

    Beckey @

  2. Ha. Ha. "Just Jack" keeps popping in my head
