Tuesday, November 27, 2012

They CAN survive without me!?!

I have never spent more than 24 hours away from my child. I know, I know, this may seem weird to some, but that's just how things happened. Usually, if I need to go somewhere, she goes with me. So, when I decided to go away for 4 days alone for my sister's wedding, I was in a panic about leaving the hubby and little one all alone. Oh the horror! What might happen to them while I was gone. How would they survive without me cooking, cleaning and planning their days? I left lists for hubby about what needed to be done each day. I even picked out clothes for the one school day they would have to somehow muddle through without me and packed the backpack and lunchbox as much as I could, so they would have little to do. Yes - in case you're wondering - I am a little OCD and somewhat of a control freak, but we can revisit that topic on another day.

Well, turns out they CAN survive without me! Shocking, right?! I returned to a clean home and a happy hubby and child. They had even done the little one's homework before coming to pick me up from the airport. I'm not sure what I expected to find really? - pizza boxes piled high with the little one swinging from the ceiling fans and ice cream melting on the couch? I have to admit, at first I had mixed emotions over the realization that they could survive without me - one side felt a little sad that I was not as "important" as I pictured myself to be, but then an even stronger feeling of relief took over upon realization that while I enjoy being the queen of the household and taking care of everyone - it is not a burdening necessity. Good to know that in times when I need a break, the household will survive and so will I.

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